Keeping the Faith

by Antonia Clark


Keeping the Faith

Always willing
to suspend disbelief,      
to forgive the universe
its angry gods
and bad weather,
to rake dry grass
and give the crows
the benefit of the doubt,
I’m still waiting
for spring’s apology—
maybe a warm rain
or the certainty
of a cardinal against
the tenuous promise
of incipient green—
to persuade me
there’s still a reason
to believe.

Antonia Clark, a medical writer and editor, has also taught creative writing and co-administers the online poetry workshop, The Waters Poetry. She has published in numerous print and online journals, including 2River View, The Cortland Review, Eclectica, The Pedestal Magazine, and Rattle. Her poetry collections include Smoke and Mirrors and Chameleon Moon. Toni lives in Vermont, loves French picnics, and plays French café music on a sparkly purple accordion.

Editors note: Although Toni doesn't live in BC, she's a big part of our literary landscape as a co-founder and moderator on The Waters Poetry Workshop - where I know a lot of our poets spend their time. The Waters would not be the amazing resource and hangout it is today without Toni.