The stream that brought me here
by Isabella Mori
Artwork: ‘Fraser Dreams Wake’ by Janet Kvammen
the stream that brought me here,
gushed me out at the mouth of your river,
the mouth that opens
to your sea.
your stream, your river, your sea.
me, a loose bag of
spending myself
into your stream, your river, your sea.
Isabella Mori lives in Vancouver and is the author of two books of and about poetry, A bagful of haiku – 87 imperfections, and isabella mori’s teatable book. She won the 2018 Cecilia Lamont prize for poetry and is currently enrolled in Simon Fraser University’s, The Writers Studio. Mori also writes short stories, novels, and non-fiction, and was a translation contributor (from English to German) in Reading Canada, a profile of Canada’s diverse literature commissioned for the 2017 Frankfurt Book Fair. She has a Masters Degree in Education, works in the mental health/addiction field and is currently working on a book that combines creative fiction, interviews and research on the topics of mental health and addiction.